Saturday, October 5, 2024

Mysore Travelogue: Must visit places

We visited Mysore in the year 2023; this post was written then. Publishing it now, as better late than never.

We went for daughter Sneha’s convocation; Visited all these places with CS friends who had come to attend the convocation and it was great fun with them.

Sharing some of the important places to see in and around Mysore. Except Somnathpur temple, which we went by car, remaining places we went in auto (sometimes 2 autos) which worked out very cheap.


It is a must watch, particularly if you have kids with you or if you are a pet lover. It’s a pretty large zoo with various animals (unique foreign animals included). If one covers the zoo by walk, it will take 4 hours; if you have time you can do that; else they have battery operated vehicle and charge Rs 200 per person to cover in 1 hour; They stop in important places (Around 10) and allow us to see the animals. 

                                                               Sneha @ Zoo

Being pet lovers we enjoyed some of the animals like Chimpanzee, Foreign birds, Elephants very much.

Karanji Lake

It is very close to Zoo; in fact they give both tickets as combo pack; You can cover both Zoo and the lake in half a day. Boating is available with self pedal or driver operated vehicle. 

                                                                         Karanji Lake

Lot of plants and trees are there in this place. We can have a calm and cool time here.

Guru Sweets & Mahalakshmi Sweets

Guru Sweets is the most famous sweet shop where even on a week day, people wait in queue for 15 minutes to buy the sweets. 

                Forgot to take photo of the long queue before the shop :)

Mysore Pak in three different forms is the attraction here; Milk Mysore pak is a different one, which we bought and liked very much. Cost of sweets is very reasonable.

Mahalakshmi sweets is another famous shop- again Mysore Pak is the famous thing here.

Somnathpur – Chenna Keshava temple

It is situated about 35 Km away from Mysore and takes one hour drive. 

It is a beautiful temple and an architectural marvel. It is built about 750 years ago and it is so beautiful and we are amazed at the minute sculptures & how they have done in it during this period.

Lot of movies – Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam have been shot here. Entry fee is just Rs 20 but needs to be paid online (You can go there and pay it there too)

Though I have written very shortly here, we can write a lot about this place; those who like ancient architecture, should not miss this place and it is a treasure for them.

Chumundi Hills

The famous Godess Chamundeswari temple is situated here and it is about 12 KM from the Main city of Mysore. Those who visit Mysore generally do not miss visiting and praying here.

Mysore palace

We visited the Palace twice- once during the day to see the palace inside and once to see the palace in the night. 

Inside the palace the rooms, pillars etc gives us a feeling like we are in a big Studio (Much bigger than we have seen in movies in fact).

Light show in the evenings are done only on select days (Mostly in the weekends) ; Ideally if one visit the Palace around 4 or 4.30 PM, they can see it, wait and see the lights by evening.

Palace is centrally located and most of the places inside Mysore is 2-5 KM away from Palace


Mysore is well connected by train and bus and has a good climate and some beautiful places to see. A 2 or 3 day trip here will be really good and can cover most places.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Consistency – Is it important in life ?

Consistency.. this is the trait which differentiates ordinary and the extra ordinary. The achievers and the normal people.

Every human being wants to succeed – be it in their studies, profession or passion. But most people just think and do not take enough action. Our action is what determines 90 % of our life.

Let’s look at it with some example.

An overweight person wants to reduce his weight by 10 KG. Many will have this desire– but will not take any action on it. And those who take some action –going for walk, gym etc- they make a definitive step and are far better than those who just think and not take any action. But .......their success purely depends on how regular they are in physical activities, diet etc. This is where consistency comes into picture.

Anything we do – we will be a novice at first; but when we do the same thing on a regular basis, we slowly start learning and improve gradually. We learn from our own mistakes and from the mistake of others too.

Once we start doing something new, wherever we go, things related to it will be visible to our eyes and we will meet the relevant people too.

To give a personal example, if I read my initial blogs, cannot control laughing how childishly have written and dared to publish them. But the good thing is starting somewhere and continuing to write. Wrote 1000 + blogs in a span of few years and improvement in writing is bound to happen.

The above example applies to most part of our life, if one wants to succeed/ progress. Being a beginner first when starting and becoming an experienced person after a few years. (There is a saying " All things are difficult before they become easy".. How true it is !)

Have always observed that anything we do with passion and in an intense manner for six months is bound to give a positive result / output..(Exams/ New entrepreneur/ fitness, applies to many things )

We get results for all our actions; but it does not happen immediately; Similar to how - a harvest happens few months after sowing a seed, the results will happen in its own course.

Anyone who takes action- positive or negative is making an impact on the universe in his own way !

If you think - you lack consistency.. do not worry. Anything comes with practice including consistency.

It boils down to how badly you need what you aspire for – that will make you passionate and consistent.

Start slow and keep at it regularly; if we do anything for few weeks consistently, mind and body become habituated and cometh the time, both will be ready for it and will do effortlessly.

Everyone runs their own race and their success depends mostly on their actions and how consistent they are in their pursuit !

Final note: This act of writing a motivating thought itself is a baby step- a beginning to me! Hope to continue at intervals and improve ðŸ˜€